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How Can I Prevent Periodontitis?

Periodontal disease can negatively affect not only our oral health but our overall physical health. Today, our Ottawa dentists define periodontitis and offer tips on prevention.

What is periodontitis (gum disease)?

Periodontitis (gum disease) is a progressive condition that gradually invades your gums. Because it is typically painless in its early stages (gingivitis), it can easily evolve to an advanced stage before you become aware of any problems.

When plaque builds up on your teeth and along the gum line, it hardens into calculus, a rough, porous deposit. Bacteria gather in the pockets that form between the teeth and irritated gums, which can cause other health issues like cardiovascular disease. Only your dentist will have the equipment to remove plaque after it has hardened.

In its advanced stages, periodontitis can cause loss of bone structure and deterioration of gums - eventually even tooth loss. In fact, gum disease is one of the most common causes of tooth loss in adults.

That’s why removing plaque with a rigorous daily hygiene routine of brushing and flossing as well as attending regular dental hygiene appointments are key for prevention – and for maintaining your oral health. 

How can I prevent periodontitis?

There are also some less obvious tips that may help you avoid gum disease or reduce your risk of getting it. You may want to:

Take inventory of your medications. Certain medications can contribute to and aggravate gum disease, including antidepressants, heart medicines and oral contraceptives.

Increase your consumption of vitamins A and C, which are part of a healthy diet that can help prevent periodontitis. Conversely, cut sugary and starchy foods, which allow plaque to build.

Have dental issues treated quickly. Fix dental issues or oral health problems like crowded or misaligned teeth and teeth grinding. When teeth are not properly spaced, the plaque has more room to grow and thrive, making it harder to clean them thoroughly.

Gently massage your gums. Along with brushing and flossing regularly (at least twice a day for two minutes each time for brushing, and once daily for thorough flossing), show your gums some love by gently massaging them, which increases blood flow to the tissue.

Use fluoride toothpaste. This essential component eliminates plaque bacteria accumulation along the gum line without causing gum irritation.

Quit smoking. Smoking not only increases your risk of developing gum disease, but it also lowers your immune system, which makes it more challenging for your gums to recover from damage.

Know your risks. Whether genetics, diet, age, smoking or other factors make you more susceptible to periodontitis, knowledge is power when it comes to reducing your risk and staying healthy.

Bonus: Ask your dentist about periodontal disease treatment. If you do develop periodontitis, the earlier your dentist can diagnose it, the better. This is so because treating gum disease when it is still in its early stages is easier than when it has progressed to the point where you are losing teeth or jaw bone tissue. There are surgical and non-surgical treatment options depending on the severity and the stage of the disease.

Regular oral hygiene - and reducing your personal risk factors - will go a long way in the fight to prevent gum disease. Our gums are as important as our teeth when it comes to our oral health, so it’s important not to neglect them.

Are you experiencing pain or bleeding in your gums? Contact our Ottawa dentists to book an appointment today.

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